Welcome! This website is centered around my blog, which initially began as a sort of personal online journal, but has expanded to cover an eclectic range of topics. I am a social media enthusiast, emerging writer, and host of the Talking Taiwan podcast. Thanks for visiting and following along my personal journey!

Instagram and Pinterest Workshop

Instagram and Pinterest Workshop

I’m excited to announce that my first workshop of the New Year will be on January 9th from 10am-2pm! I’ll be teaching a workshop for SCORE at the Brooklyn Central Library called, “Instagram and Pinterest, Your Visual Marketing Tools." Click Here to learn more about my workshop and to register to attend.

Of the six most commonly used social media platforms*, Instagram and Pinterest, are the two most visual-centric i.e. the content shared on these platforms are photos or visual images. But that's where the similarity ends.

There are six main differences between Instagram and Pinterest. Can you name them all?

Instagram and Pinterest-blog abt workshop.png

Give up?

Find the answers by Clicking RIGHT HERE and reading my previous blog post about: The Difference Between Instagram and Pinterest.

Main Takeaways of the Instagram & Pinterest Workshop Will Include:

  • The differences between Instagram and Pinterest

  • Best Practices for an Instagram and Pinterest business account

  • How to create content for Instagram and Pinterest

  • What types of content work best on Instagram and Pinterest

  • The types of ads you can create for Instagram

  • How to create an ad for Instagram

  • How to create an ad for Pinterest

Attendees will leave this workshop with an understanding of how Instagram and Pinterest differ, how to use to use both platforms to promote a business organically and through paid posts.

*Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SnapChat, Twitter

500 Words A Day Writing Challenge (Week 1)

500 Words A Day Writing Challenge (Week 1)

Social Media Is Just a Buzzword Until You Come up with a Plan

Social Media Is Just a Buzzword Until You Come up with a Plan