Welcome! This website is centered around my blog, which initially began as a sort of personal online journal, but has expanded to cover an eclectic range of topics. I am a social media enthusiast, emerging writer, and host of the Talking Taiwan podcast. Thanks for visiting and following along my personal journey!

Talking Taiwan: AAPI Jazz Fest 2023: Celebrating the Diversity of the Pan-Asian Jazz Community with Peter Lin

Talking Taiwan: AAPI Jazz Fest 2023: Celebrating the Diversity of the Pan-Asian Jazz Community with Peter Lin

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and my guest on this episode of Talking Taiwan, Peter Lin is here to talk about the Asian American Pacific Islander or AAPI Jazz Fest which is coming up on May 20th in Newark, NJ. The AAPI Jazz Fest celebrates the diversity of the pan-Asian jazz community with a full day of performances and panels. Peter is Founder of Yardbird Entertainment and Producer of the AAPI Jazz Fest.

[LISTEN to the Complete Episode HERE on APPLE PODCASTS or SPOTIFY]

This episode of Talking Taiwan has been sponsored by NATWA, the North America Taiwanese Women’s Association.

NATWA was founded in 1988, and its mission is:

  1. to evoke a sense of self-esteem and enhance women’s dignity,

  2. to oppose gender discrimination and promote gender equality,

  3. to fully develop women’s potential and encourage their participation in public affairs,

  4. to contribute to the advancement of human rights and democratic development in Taiwan,

  5. to reach out and work with women’s organizations worldwide to promote peace for all.

To learn more about NATWA visit their website: www.natwa.com

Here’s a little preview of what we talked about in this podcast episode:

  • The AAPI Jazz Collective’s performance at the Metropolitan Museum for the Lunar New Year

  • How AAPI Jazz Fest got started

  • How the first AAPI Jazz Fest last year (in 2022) was organized in a month

  • What it’s like being an Asian American jazz musician

  • The mission of AAPI Jazz Fest

  • The AAPI Jazz Fest is a 10 hour event with performances and panels

  • The artists performing at the festival

  • At the end of the night there will be a jam session during which time any musicians are invited to join in

  • Local organizations and vendors that will also be at the festival

  • Peter’s band the AAPI Jazz Collective, and their recent performance opportunities

  • How to support, attend, donate to, or volunteer for the AAPI Jazz Fest

Related Links:

AAPI Jazz Fest Website: https://www.yardbirdent.com/aapijazzfest

AAPI Jazz Fest on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aapijazzfest

AAPI Jazz Fest on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AAPIJazzFest

RSVP or Donate on Eventbrite for AAPI Jazz Fest: https://aapijazzfest2023.eventbrite.com

Free Admission for all attendees, but we ask you to consider making a donation to support the AAPI Jazz Fest. Larger donations (tax deductible) can be made here, just type “AAPI Jazz Fest” when asked to “Please specify other fund”: https://tinyurl.com/aapijazzfest

AAPI Jazz Collective live at the Metropolitan Museum, NYC (01/21/2023): https://youtu.be/dj3uzka7_pQ

The story behind Asian Pacific American Heritage, and why it’s celebrated in May: https://www.npr.org/2022/05/02/1095812576/aapi-asian-pacific-heritage-month-origin-may-why

TANG (Taiwanese American Next Generation): https://www.tangeneration.org/

The Calhoun School: https://www.calhoun.org/

Rutgers Institute of Jazz Studies: https://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/newark/visit-study/institute-jazz-studies

Takuya Kuroda: https://www.takuyakuroda.com/

Jordan VanHemert: https://www.jordanvanhemert.com/

Rez Abbasi: http://www.reztone.com/

Julius Tolentino (& Chameleon Big Band): https://jtolemusic.com/about/

Jenny Xu: https://jxusic.com/

Friendship Trio : https://friendshiptrio.bandcamp.com/album/ghost-stories

Christine Correa: https://christinecorrea.com/

Tammy Huynh: https://www.msmnyc.edu/faculty/tammy-huynh/

Tim Lin: https://www.timlinmusic.com/

Eri Yamamoto: https://www.eriyamamoto.com/

TECO (Taipei and Economic Cultural Office in New York): https://www.roc-taiwan.org/usnyc_en/index.html

Jazz Trombone Player Peter Lin: A Mix of East and West (Episode 73) : https://talkingtaiwan.com/jazz-trombone-player-peter-lin-mix-east-west/

Surviving the Coronavirus Crash as a Musician: A Discussion with Peter Lin (Episode 74):  https://talkingtaiwan.com/surviving-coronavirus-crash-musician-discussion-peter-lin/

Michelle Kuo and Albert Wu: On a Broad and Ample Road and the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church Shooting (Episode 209): https://talkingtaiwan.com/michelle-kuo-and-albert-wu-on-a-broad-and-ample-road-and-the-taiwanese-presbyterian-church-shooting-ep-209/

Richard Chen: The History of Social Injustice and Discrimination Toward Asian Americans (Episode 130): https://talkingtaiwan.com/richard-chen-the-history-of-social-injustice-and-discrimination-toward-asian-americans-ep-130/

LISTEN to Episode 237: AAPI Jazz Fest 2023: Celebrating the Diversity of the Pan-Asian Jazz Community with Peter Lin HERE

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