Welcome! This website is centered around my blog, which initially began as a sort of personal online journal, but has expanded to cover an eclectic range of topics. I am a social media enthusiast, emerging writer, and host of the Talking Taiwan podcast. Thanks for visiting and following along my personal journey!

Talking Taiwan Will Be At the 53rd Annual Taiwanese American Conference- East Coast

Talking Taiwan Will Be At the 53rd Annual Taiwanese American Conference- East Coast

Talking Taiwan is thrilled be bringing the podcast to the 53rd annual Taiwanese American Conference East Coast (TAC-EC) at West Chester University (July 3-7) where they’ll be having outstanding speakers like Taiwan’s former Vice President Dr. Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁 ) who is best known for his excellent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. While at TAC-EC we will be setting up an on-location podcasting studio and interviewing some of TAC’s speakers.


As the longest running Taiwan-related podcast and 2021 Golden Crane Award Winner, we are committed to covering news, stories, and people related to Taiwan. Since 2013, we have presented highly valuable, alternative sources of information to our listeners through a wide variety of in-depth personal interviews with compelling guests related to Taiwan and Taiwan’s diaspora.


We also believe in the importance of preserving oral histories, which is why we are pleased to be working with the TAC planning committee with their conference theme of Collective Memory. While at TAC we will be interviewing past TAC organizers about their memories and experiences in organizing past conferences. Afterward, we will produce a special episode about the legacy and history of TAC.


Talking Taiwan’s two-person team, Felicia Lin (Producer and Host), and Kaju Roberto (Executive Producer and Sound Engineer) takes great pride in landing hard-to-attain interviews, and doing deep research in order to create content for our listeners who deeply care about Taiwan.

Interviews with noteworthy guests include Robert Tsao (Founder of chipmaker UMC), Andrew Yang (U.S. Presidential candidate), acclaimed actor and director Michelle Krusiec (“Saving Face”), Charles Yu (Award-Winning Novelist), Arvin Chen (Award-Winning Film Director), Fire EX. (International Music Recording Artist), Abigail Hing Wen (NY Times Best-Selling Author), Dwagie (Rap Recording Artist), Guy Gilchrist (Muppets Cartoonist), Linda Gail Arrigo (Activist), Dr. Jeng Yen (NASA Scientist & Mars Rover Driver), Taliyah Huang (Bobaway Inventor), Dr. Peter Tsai (N95 inventor), and Lisa Cheng Smith (Yun Hai Taiwanese Pantry).

Talking Taiwan is looking for $3,000 in sponsorship to bring Talking Taiwan to TAC-EC 2024.

To Support Talking Taiwan checks can be made payable to:

Talking Taiwan

PO Box 1049

New York, NY 10113

Other ways to contribute to Talking Taiwan:

GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/building-talking-taiwans-legacy/donate

PayPal: talkingtaiwanpodcast@gmail.com

Zelle: talkingtaiwanpodcast@gmail.com

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/talkingtaiwan

TAC-EC is a conference with over 50 years of history formed by the first wave of Taiwanese immigrants arriving in America in the 70’s and 80’s. The conference brings together Taiwanese Americans from New York, New Jersey, Washington D.C., Delaware, Maryland, and Philadelphia. Today the conference draws about 600 - 800 participants annually, which includes first generation Taiwanese Americans, and many second generation Taiwanese Americans who bring their children to participate in TANG (Taiwanese American Next Generation) program.

Talking Taiwan: Dr. Linda Gail Arrigo: Taiwan Democracy Fighter Talks About Events Leading Up to the Kaohsiung Incident

Talking Taiwan: Dr. Linda Gail Arrigo: Taiwan Democracy Fighter Talks About Events Leading Up to the Kaohsiung Incident

Talking Taiwan: Bluebird Movement: 3 Experts Discuss the Controversial Bills Leading to Protests at the Legislative Yuan

Talking Taiwan: Bluebird Movement: 3 Experts Discuss the Controversial Bills Leading to Protests at the Legislative Yuan